This is just a teaser but when I look through the photos, I can only think, gosh, Paris is just so damn gorgeous. Especially the most ordinary of things/places/scenes, at moments when you least expect such beauty, it's there. -- Looking forward to sleeping today. I've never loved weekends more. Don't you just love the feeling of waking up in the morning and then, knowing that you don't need to get out of bed, you rest your head on your pillow, snuggle in deeper beneath your comforters and think to yourself, I looooove this feeling? That's me on weekends. xoxo
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Snippets from Paris
Finally, finally... I've started editing my Paris photos. :) I have a feeling I'll be bouncing back and forth between the Paris and Montreal ones (because I think I'm still just about halfway through with the Montreal photos. I did take a lot of photos when I was there.) but at least I'm getting started! The boy has been pestering me about our Paris photos so after listening to one too many reminders, I decided it's about time I got started on at least a handful. And it helps that this weekend is more relaxing too. :) I was able to bake Citrus cookies and a loaf of Japanese milk bread that I must say I'm pretty proud of. But a separate post for that soon!
This is just a teaser but when I look through the photos, I can only think, gosh, Paris is just so damn gorgeous. Especially the most ordinary of things/places/scenes, at moments when you least expect such beauty, it's there. -- Looking forward to sleeping today. I've never loved weekends more. Don't you just love the feeling of waking up in the morning and then, knowing that you don't need to get out of bed, you rest your head on your pillow, snuggle in deeper beneath your comforters and think to yourself, I looooove this feeling? That's me on weekends. xoxo
This is just a teaser but when I look through the photos, I can only think, gosh, Paris is just so damn gorgeous. Especially the most ordinary of things/places/scenes, at moments when you least expect such beauty, it's there. -- Looking forward to sleeping today. I've never loved weekends more. Don't you just love the feeling of waking up in the morning and then, knowing that you don't need to get out of bed, you rest your head on your pillow, snuggle in deeper beneath your comforters and think to yourself, I looooove this feeling? That's me on weekends. xoxo
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Indeed it was a beautiful place. Nice and beautiful photograph.
Thanks! :D
Deleteoh, i can't wait to see more paris photos! If I thought I could adequately learn French, I would totally want to live there! beautiful pictures as always :)